Chanchal Kumar Mishra1, D. Sasmal and B. Shrivastava
Carissa carandas Linn is popularly known as ‘karunda’ in India belongs to family Apocynaceae. C. carandas Linn is a climbing shrub, usually growing to 10 or 15 feet (3-5 m) high. In folklore medicine, the unripe fruits of Carissa carandas Linn are Antidiarrhoeal, thermogenic, aphrodisiac, appetizer and anthelmintic activity, this is because of availability of specific and important phytoconstituents. The objective of the present work was to evaluate the in-vitro anthelmintic potency of the petroleum ether (60-80), chloroform and ethanolic unripe fruits extract of Carissa carandas Linn using Indian earthworms (Pheretima posthuma). The various concentrations (50, 100, and 150 mg/ml) of the different solvent extract were tested in in-vitro for anthelmintic potency by determination of time of paralysis and time of death of worm. Piperazine citrate (15mg/ml) used as standard drugs. The result of present study indicates that the unripe fruits extract of Carissa carandas Linn Potentiate to paralyze earthworm and also caused its death after some time. The shortest time of paralysis was observed at higher dose (150 mg/ml) of ethanolic extract (EECC), chloroform extract (CECC) and pet. ether extract (PEECC) i.e., found to 56.35 min, 40 min and 22.35 min respectively. The result showed that EECC took less time to cause paralysis of the earthworm than that of other unripe fruits extract of Carissa carandas Linn due to the availability of some important phytoconstituents. Thus the present studies demonstrate that the unripe fruits extract of Carissa carandas Linn having an anthelmintic has been confirm on Pheretima posthuma.