Dr. Hari Krishna A, Mahesh Pavan K, Upajna V and Navya Deepika B
Metformin is a biguanide anti-hyperglycemic drug which is the most commonly prescribed oral agent to treat diabetes mellitus. Metformin work by decreasing hepatic glucose production, decrease GI glucose absorption, increase target cell insulin sensitivity. Insulin is the hormone produced by the pancreas that controls the levels of glucose or sugar in blood. Drug-induced low blood sugar is low blood glucose that results from taking medicine. This is a case report of 78 years old male patient who was admitted in surgical ward with a chief complaint of raw area over right forearm since 30 days and now he is diagnosed as Diabetic cellulitis of right upper limb. Before the diagnosis of diabetic cellulitis the patient was on Metformin+ glibenclamide therapy. After the diagnosis, the physician prescribed metformin along with human mixtard. Surgery was done for cellulitis of right forearm and again he is prescribed with human mixtrad for 10 days due to which FBS levels dropped. On 11th of post- surgical treatment, he is prescribed with metformin and Injection. Insulin and as a result FBS levels reached less than normal range. We conclude that ADR might have been possible with same dynamic activity medication duplication therapy of insulin and human mixtard and also due to the combination therapy of metformin and insulin. We should monitor the prescription always with drug relevant problems (DRP’s) to avoid drug induced complications in a patient.