Handan Alan,Aytolan Yldrm
Purpose: This is a methodologically conducted study with the purpose of developing a reliable and valid scale to assess the quality of work-life among nurses and pinpoint the related factors.
Methods: The population of this study, which consists of the nurses that work at three hospitals in Marmara region in Turkey and nurses were expected to be working at the same institution at least for one year (N:357). Nurses who were working in other professions and nurses on leave were also not included in the study. The finding was collected from 253 individuals who agreed to participate (70.9%). The research data was carried out between the dates of October and November 2011 after the necessary permissions were granted by the institutions. The data gathering tool was divided to two sections. The first section was composed of a personal information form of eight questions about personal elements (age, marital status, experience, position, departments as like). The second section introduced “Nurses’quality of Work-Life Scale”. Individuals’ first language was Turkish and so the research was use Turkish version of scale.
Results: From 97 items were designated for the nurses’ quality of work-life scale after reviewed by 11 experts and made the necessary arrangements scale was reduced to 86 agents. After the necessary adjustments were made, according to the expert opinion and recommendations was passed on to the reliability and validity analysis of 86 expression. In this study, item-total correlation coefficients ranged from 0.41 to 0.79. In this study “Nurses’ Quality of Work-Life Scale” item-total correlation coefficient was considered to be 0.40. But 13 of item were removed from the scale because of being the level of this point. 5 factors were singled out after a factor analysis was conducted in order to assess the scale’s construct validity. These are named as; nursing management, institutional management, working conditions, physical work environment and social benefits and social work environment. While Cronbach’s Alpha of the scale was calculated to be 0.97.
Conclusion: As a result, the “Nurses’ Quality of Work-Life Scale” is proved to be a highly reliable and valid.