Kayo Resende Dias E Almeida, Italo silva da Cruz and Modesto Rolim Neto*
Background: The current COVID-19 pandemic puts itself as a threat to maternal mental health, since conditions of severe stress, often inflates the occurrence of mental diseases among the pregnant population. Some studies have already reported the rising of distress and psychiatric disorders among pregnant women during the COVID-19.
Method: Studies were identified using large-circulation international journals found in two electronic databases: Scopus and Embase.
Results: Depression and anxiety in the gestational period may change perinatal decisions. Furthermore, it is important to emphasize that pregnant women around the world are not suffering equally. As in every situation, the most fragile always tend to suffer more; it was already a concern before the pandemic, due to the higher rates of mental disorders during the gravidity in developing countries compared to the developed ones.
Conclusion: The lack of social support providing the main needs of the pregnant population may increase the incidence of anxiety, depression, and other mental disorders.