Liena BM, Omar AM and Moaz M
Background: There is inadequate data concerning prevalence and risk factors of asthma among adults, more studies are needed, to support health authorities in asthma management.
Methods: This is a cross- sectional study done at Taiba University in Almadinah Almonawarah, Saudi Arabia, in March- April 2014 using a modified translated (ISAAC) questionnaire for adults and respiratory function test. The data was analyzed using Microsoft Excel version 2010.
Results: Out of 200 samples 124 were included, the rate of response was 62%, All students who are known cases of asthma and those who had lung function test suspecting asthma were included in the prevalence of asthma which was found to be 12.8%. The prevalence of allergic rhinitis was 21.77%, more among females and associated with asthma.