Gaurav Sawarkar*, Punam Sawarkar and Nandini Bhojaraj
The incidence rate of infiltrative ductal carcinoma of the breast is increasing nowadays worldwide. Chemo and radiotherapy is commonly used after the surgical intervention for their radical cure. The occurrence of various side effects of these chemoradiation therapies creates much discomfort to the patient. Therefore, the compliance rate of the patient towards their adoption becomes poor, or patients are highly affected by their associated side effects in unavoidable circumstances. Consequently, it becomes imperative to study the impact of safe, alternative options in panchakarma, i.e., the beauty of ayurveda, to manage them effectively. Moreover, panchagavya chikitsa is widely used in clinical practice as adjuvant therapy in various types of Carcinoma.
Published Date: 2021-12-30; Received Date: 2021-12-09