Simin Hemati, Mansour Siavash Dastjerdi, Minu Jelvan
Introduction: Many breast cancer survivors experience post-treatment metabolic complications based on their regimen. Various results have been reported regarding tamoxifen therapy effects on lipid profile and FBS level. But, no study investigate adriamycine, cytoxan with taxol treatment on them one year after finishing the treatment.
Patients and method: Breast cancer patients under adriamycine, cytoxan with taxol regimen were chosen. FBS and lipid profile items were measured before the treatment and one year after the treatment ended. Patients have been monitored during the year after therapy. These two pairs were compared and Sig<0.05 showed meaningful relation.
Result: A total of 114 breast cancer patients with stage III or IV were participated in this cross-sectional study. Our analysis showed this regimen had no significant impact on FBS and lipid profile items one year after finishing the treatment.
Conclusion: In summery the findings of the current study showed adriamycine, cytoxan with taxol regimen had no meaningful impact of FBS and lipid profile level one year after the treatment. It is advised to monitor breast cancer metabolic items during and after the treatment.