
Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Research

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Evaluation of Point of Care Test (POCT), i-CHROMAÃ?¢Ã?â??Ã?¢ Serum C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Assay and Microalbumin Urine (MAU) Methods

Suman Bains, Chidi Anyaeche, Angus Wyatt, Olu Coker and John Bolodeoku

Objectives: The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of the Boditech i-CHROMA™ point-of-care testing (POCT) method for the quantification of serum CReactive Protein (CRP) and Urine Microalbumin (MAU) compared well with the traditional Abbott Architect Ci8200 laboratory method.

Design and Methods: Serum samples of CRP (n=44) and urine samples for MAU estimation (n=25) were analysed at the Homerton University Hospital using the routine laboratory method (Abbott Architect Ci8200) and the Boditech i-CHROMA™ POCT method.

Results: The i-CHROMA™ CRP and MAU method showed good correlation with that of the Abbott Architect Ci8200: r2=0.905 and r2=0.987 respectively. Overall, there was a slight negative bias seen with the i-CHROMA™ CRP method (bias=-8.15, bias difference=-9.05%) and a negative bias seen with the i-CHROMA™ MAU method (bias=35.84, bias difference=-27.88%).

Conclusion: The Boditech i-CHROMA™ POCT method provide a reliable measurement of CRP and MAU and compared well with the traditional Abbott Architect Ci8200 laboratory method.