Mathew D and Hubloue I
This study assesses the role of the Primary Health Care Corporation (PHCC)in Qatar and its readiness for FIFA World Cup in dealing with mass casualty events. The goal is to investigate the comprehensiveness of the present Primary care emergency disaster plan and to determine the current preparedness undertaken by PHCC to tackle a mass casualty event during the world cup 2022 in Qatar. A qualitative method was adopted as it was considered more appropriate due to the paucity of research in this area. Semi-structured interviews were conducted amongst primary stakeholders, employing a purposive sampling technique. The findings indicate that PHCC perceives the essentiality of investing in a comprehensive plan covering an all-hazard approach, with the flexibility to accommodate for an event like the world cup. Although the current plan is not ready for the world cup 2022, significant steps have been taken to ensure that the plan is ready for any event of a mass casualty. PHCC has already commenced on a journey which will lead to a comprehensive amendment of its plan to make it more competent, adequate and adaptive to the changing needs it will face in future.