Doddigarla Zephy, Lingidi Jhansi Lakshmi and Raghib Ashraff
HAART treated or untreated HIV Seropositive cases have dyslipidaemia. In untreated HIV infection, most of the ATP is used in the reverse transcription process in attaining morphism of the host cell. The aim of the study was to find the lipid profile pattern in treated HIV patients after shorter period of time with ART (First line of treatment i.e. zidovudine, lamuvudine and Nevirapine) and comparing them against HIV infected untreated individuals and controls within our locality. Subject field of HIV Seropositive cases (n=84) and age and sex matched healthy non-HIV cases as controls (n=47). Comparison between the HIV infected (n=42), HIV infected ART treated (n=42) and controls were significant (p 0.000) for fasting cholesterol, triacylglycerols (p 0.000) and HDLc (p 0.000) and LDLc (p 0.000). Insignificant when TAG compared controls to HIV infected ART untreated subjects. Statistical significance in between sexes within untreated patients' lipid profile in HDLc (35 ± 3.8 against 37.4 ± 3.5) and LDLc (48.0 ± 8.3 against 38.0 ± 7.2). Patients infected with HIV, constantly screened for lipid abnormalities when ART treated or untreated and carefully prescribe an anti retroviral treatment regime which will undeniably support in supervision of dyslipidaemia in HIV seropositive patients in future.