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Motorcyclists�¢���� Mortality Pattern in Colombia from 2000 to 2013: A Longitudinal Study

Rodríguez-Hernández Jorge Martín, Camelo-Tovar Fredy, Albavera-Hernández Cidronio, Campuzano-Rincón Julio Cesar

Background: Road traffic injuries and fatalities have increased in Colombia despite that 2011-2020 had been declared as the Decade of Action for Road Safety in the world. Then, this paper aims to describe the trends of motorcycle mortality patterns in Colombia from 2000-2013.

Methods: A longitudinal study is carried out using mortality records from the Colombian National Department of Statistics, and following the International Classification of Diseases -ICD-10 V200 to V299.

Results: From 2000 to 2013 the study founded a near 100% increase in the number of motorcycle fatalities in Colombia; the occurrence rate increased from 3.6 to 5.7 per 100,000 populations. 65.4% of the fatalities involve individuals from 15 to 34 years of age.

Conclusions: Motorcycle fatalities have become a serious public health issue in Colombia. For the 14-year of the study period, slightly more than 28,800 motorcyclist’s deaths have been attributed to different factors and social determinants.