Mohamad A*, Azhar Rajet MK, Ahmad MZ, Nik Abd Ghani NMS, Yusuf S, Wan Mohamad WE, Baharun SB, Ramli RR and Mohamad I
The nasocardiac reflex is a little known reaction of nasomucosal origin. The nasocardiac reflex itself may lead to severe bradycardia or can even result in cardiac arrest following irritation or stimulation of the nerves in the nasal cavities or paranasal sinuses. We highlight an event whereby nasocardiac reflex was observed in a patient during a common examination, which was the nasoendoscopy, manifesting as bradycardia and hypotension. After resuscitation, the vital signs improved. He was closely monitored in the ward and able to discharge home well on the same day after eight-hour of monitoring.