Lulu A Albhlal, Fahd G Alanzi, Khalid Bin Ghannam, Alwaleed Alqahtani, Ayisha Q Alenazi, Meaad Q Alanazi, Abdulrahman Q Alanazi, Faris Q Alenzi
Several studies suggested a closed relationship between sleep patterns with learning capacity especially in the medical students. This study aimed to investigate the impact of sleep disturbance on learning capabilities. This is a cross-sectional study conducted between November 2013 and January 2014. The sample was all male medical students at college of medicine in Imam Muhammed bin Saud University, Saudi Arabia. It is a questionnaire-based self-administrated study. Data was analyzed using IBM SPSS. The response rate is 91.4. Medical students suffered from high stress during examination periods. Stress associated with insufficient sleep and excessive daytime sleepiness that can lead to difficulties in interpersonal relationship, depression and anxiety. On average, our students went to bed lately and obtain sufficient sleep, they slept each night between 6-8 hours. In conclusion, further studies are still needed to link sleep disturbances, poor sleep quality and biological diseases among medical students at clinical years.