Yu Hua Yan
Background: Medical cosmetology market induced certain changes to the consumer market and consequently consumption pattern in the market traditionally dominated by salon cosmetology. This phenomenon indirectly influenced consumer behaviors and compressed the business opportunities for the traditional salon cosmetology practitioners.
Methods: This research was conducted over a period of two months from January to February 2013 through computer-assisted telephone interviews. Sampling was targeted on the population in Taiwan 20 years and older and people who have not yet had any cosmetology experiences are excluded. A total of 774 valid samples were derived.
Results: The satisfaction rate of medical cosmetology is higher than the satisfaction rate of salon cosmetology, and the satisfaction rate of service quality and facilities reached the level of statistical significance (ρ<0.05). However, satisfaction rate for "value" did not reach a level of significant difference (ρ>0.05). "attitude" and "trust" are the major positive influences to customer behavioral intentions (ρ<0.05).
Conclusion: This research recommends the cosmetology industry to provide differentiated services and products, with a goal to achieve a general enhancement in customer relationship quality and satisfaction rate. The result will be positive influence on customer loyalty and the willingness to pay more for the cosmetology products or services. This will be a good opportunity to create a win-win situation for the customers and the cosmetology industry.
Published Date: 0201-10-30;