Sergio Sabbatani, Fausto Catena, Luca Ansaloni, Massimo Sartelli, Belinda De Simone, Federico Coccolini, Salomone Di Saverio, Antonio Biondi
Background: Surgical infections cause still significant morbidity and mortality all over the world, nevertheless new surgical techniques and advancements in the treatment of patients affected by primary and secondary peritonitis.
The aim of this historical review is to retrace the history of the fight against the iatrogenic infections in surgery from XVIII to XX century.
Materials and Methods: We carried a systematic historical review about all the available documents about surgical infections and the development of aseptic method in surgery.
Results and Conclusions: Discoveries by discoveries we found personality as Malgaigne, Spallanzani, Lister and many others scientists working for understand the etiopathological process responsible of sepsis. Analyzing their studies, it is evident how many factors can influence this disease and how many solutions proposed in the past are utilized even now.