Namera Thahaby*, Afzal Hoque Akand, Abdul Hai Bhat and Shabeer Ahmed Hamdani
Background: Information regarding open garbage dumps may cause public health dilemma within the community and cause stray dog proliferation. Most wastes have a family origin and stray dogs are largely attracted by these foods.
Methods: The information, besides as attitudes and perception on rabies, is thus vital for the prevention of human deaths. Two sources i.e., primary and secondary sources were utilized for identifying the probable factors responsible for increased dog population.
Results: Regarding the major factors associated with increases dog population, the respondents (both the people 99.68% and commercial 100%) believed that open garbage dumps are a public health barrier in the area and commence to stray dog proliferation.
Conclusion: Open garbage dumps are a public health problem in the Srinagar area. Till date only around 2,000 sterilizations were conducted and also around 2,000 stray dogs were administered the anti-rabies vaccine, however this is too less in comparison with the total population of dogs and still, the ballot of dogs from the particular zones of Srinagar is deficient.