Ayman Mohamed Alfadil Mohamed, Nizar Mahmoud Abdelrahman Mohammed and Mosab Nouraldein Mohammed Hamad*
Corona Virus Disease 19 (COVID-19) remains a serious health problem worldwide cause by a novel Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARSCOV- 2) which rapidly declared on 30-Jan-2020 as a global pandemic by WHO. Unfortunately, there is no effective treatment or vaccine available so far. The only preventive measure to break the spreading of the virus is by physical distancing, wearing masks, and lockdown of countries. All of the above mentioned measures implemented in European and African countries, despite that, the outbreak of the African countries has resulted in quite a few number of cases. Sever cases of COVID-19 is resulted from acute lung injury and cytokine storm. Vitamin D is wellknown to inhibit the pathological inflammatory immune response by suppressing the activation of Th1 cells and activation of T regulator cells, as a result of that, vitamin D could minimize the occurrence of the cytokine storm. African countries has a privilege of sunshine most of the year seasons that help synthesizing Vitamin D3 which could explain the low number COVID-19 cases compared to European countries.