2020 Conference Announcement - (2019) Volume 6, Issue 4
Professor Marma Health Centre, Kochi ,Kerala, E-mail: yacobkm@gmail.com
The EuroSciCon is delighted in inviting all the participants from all over the world to attend 3rd International conference on Mental Health & Psychiatry during November 04-05, 2020 at Chicago, USA. The theme of the conference is based on “Challenges in Mental Illness & development of integrated mental health services”. The conference will provide an international platform to all the researchers to discuss present and future challenges in various kinds of mental health issues, psychiatric and psychology disorders & its related problems. World-leading health professionals, clinicians, scientists and researchers will display practical, clinical and cutting-edge techniques based upon widely accepted evidence and will present new and emerging research.
• Mental Health
• Psychiatry & Psychology
• Children, Youth and Depression
• Adult & Geriatric psychiatry
• Sleep Disorders
• Schizophrenia
• Women’s Mental Health
• Mental Health & Rehabilitation
• Pharmacology and Drug Development
• Management and treatment of Mental Health
issuesWe are sure Mental Health 2019 will be a remarkable platform for all the scientists and researchers present and imply their innovative researches, ideas and thus prompts collaboration among young researchers taking interest in the field of Psychiatry & Psychology.
Psychiatry is the branch of medicine focused on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental, emotional and behavioral disorders. A psychiatrist is a medicinal specialist who represents considerable authority in psychological well-being, including substance utilizes clutters. Therapists are met all requirements to survey both the mental and physical parts of mental issues.
Our main goal is to make Annual Congress on Mental Health an extraordinary accomplishment with world class talks and discussion by the best Psychiatrists and Psychologists in the field. With an incredible support from recognized academicians in the field of Psychology and Psychiatry, Public Health experts, Mental Health Professionals, NGO Workers, researchers, scholastic researchers, industry specialists, Psychiatry analysts, we are highlighting many energizing scholarly projects including different boards, workshops, proclivity assemble snacks, paper introductions, and logical sessions by presumed therapists from everywhere throughout the world which makes our gathering the best of other psychiatry meetings.
• Keynote sessions by eminent and renowned researchers
• Outstanding speaker sessions
• One on One Meeting with top Psychiatrists
• Meetings with Top Industrial Representations
• International accredited certificates
• All accepted abstracts for this Conference will be published in the respective International Journals
• Special awards for Speakers and Poster Presentations
• Special recognition for Young Researchers
• Symposia and Workshop sessions by distinguished Psychiatrists
• Group Registration benefits
Lisa Anderson| Ophthalmology 2020
40 Bloomsbury Way, WC1A 2SE.
London, United Kingdom
Email: mentalhealth@meetingsemail.com
Whats App: +441946746005