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Mini Review - (2023) Volume 15, Issue 1

Costs associated with health risk management mandated by occupational health and safety regulations: A South African viewpoint

Frank Degregori*
Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, National University of San Marcos, Lima, Peru
*Correspondence: Frank Degregori, Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, National University of San Marcos, Lima, Peru, Email:

Received: 02-Jan-2023, Manuscript No. ipaom-23-13518; Editor assigned: 04-Jan-2023, Pre QC No. P-13518; Reviewed: 16-Jan-2023, QC No. Q-13518; Revised: 21-Jan-2023, Manuscript No. R-13518; Published: 28-Jan-2023


Bosses are expected by the South African Word related Wellbeing and Security Act to carry out different wellbeing risk the executives drives as word related wellbeing programs. These drives convey consistence costs for organizations that carry out them, which are much of the time obscure to partners both inner and outer. Accordingly, the objective of this study was to decide the expenses related with giving and carrying out these projects, which, when done completely and effectively, can possibly stay away from word related infection far reaching quality and conform to legitimate prerequisites. The READ strategy was utilized to separate related cost things from report investigation of the Word related Wellbeing and Security Act and its wellbeing related guidelines. The examination considered the Demonstration's general expense arrangements as well as the parts of word related cleanliness and word related medication illustrated in these wellbeing related guidelines. The investigation discovered that directed organizations bring about positive repeating or once consistence costs for wellbeing risk the executives for legitimately characterized word related wellbeing program exercises. The degree and degree of an organization's pervasive dangers and gamble with types decide these consistence costs. This cost thing distinguishing proof review fills in as an establishment for ensuing examination into the expenses related with organizations conforming to word related wellbeing and security guidelines. Word related hygienists can involve it as an instrument to make convincing business cases for expanding spending on word related illness counteraction at work. This is explicitly a stage toward cost investigation.


Risk assessments, which are required by worldwide occupational health and safety (OHS) legislation, are the foundation for the management of health risks in occupational health programs. Employers prioritize ensuring employees' health, adhering to applicable legal requirements, minimizing the impact and severity of illnesses, and cost control when implementing occupational health programs. In line with this, most of the time, businesses use the information gathered during risk assessments to make decisions aimed at lowering risks to levels that are thought to be as low as is reasonably possible (ALARP) (Health and Safety). It is hoped that conducting risk assessments, implementing the findings of those assessments, and periodically evaluating the efficacy of the measures that have been implemented will significantly cut down on the costs of maintaining occupational health programs. Risk assessments are emphasized by studies examining the cost-effectiveness of occupational health program interventions from a different angle [1].

Literature Review

The Health and Safety Executive (2005) argued that virtually no risks can be eliminated, despite the fact that OHS legislation mandates complete workplace safety. Following risk treatment, ALARP incurs costs for affected businesses to improve and manage residual health risks. As a result, this suggests that enforcing OHS regulations on one's own costs both businesses and governments. Depending on their size, industry, and the presence of inherent physical, chemical, biological, and ergonomic hazards, these costs for compliance have different effects on each company. As a result, when putting health and safety measures into action, the trade-off between them and the cost of doing so is always present. Companies can base their investments in specific health and safety initiatives on the legal guidance provided by OHS legislation. As a result, these investment guidelines force companies to make the necessary expenditures to comply with the law, minimizing the impact on workers of occupational health risks. Despite the apparent lack of benefits, businesses now see the expense of investing in OHS as necessary. As a result, these OHS-related costs will eventually reach a minimum level as long as the OHS level is optimal. This means that investing in better working conditions will pay off in the long run in lower OHS costs and fewer reported ODs [2,3].


In light of this point of view, economic evaluation ought to become a tool for motivating workplace interventions in occupational health practice. As a result, governments need to make sure that regulations don't make the costs of risk reduction for minor risks more expensive. In South Africa, the general industry continues to be the highest source of illness related to occupational health hazards, just like it is in the United Kingdom. From 2001 to 2019, general industry saw a total of 43 485 compensated ODs. These compensated ODs occurred amid ongoing, legally mandated industry occupational health programs. In South Africa, all regulated industries, regardless of size, are required to implement occupational health programs by health-related OHS legislation. The financial viability of the compensation system is maintained by occupational health programs' success in preventing ODs. The ALARP principle accepts this disease incidence from a moral perspective provided that the costs of preventing them were generally disproportional to the potential benefits [4,5].

Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) has the highest reported compensated OD in South Africa. The lengthy latency period of ODs indicates that risk acceptability has not been determined in previous risk assessments. Stakeholders' perceptions of risks and costs in the workplace have an impact on risk mitigation strategies. According to Textile Industry Sustainability (2016), modern occupational health and safety (OHS) and compensation laws necessitate investments in exposure prevention. However, research data on the global economic resources devoted to OD prevention are still unavailable to the general public [6].

This study serves as an introduction for subsequent research on the subject by qualitatively narrating cost items associated with health risk management imposed by various health-related regulations from the South African OHS laws. The study may be able to clarify and reveal the hidden and indirect costs of implementing occupational health programs for decision-makers. Another advantage of cost identification is the reinforcement of exposure prevention at the corporate level. The study will also emphasize the urgent requirement for regulatory authorities to measure the financial impact of OHS regulation and reduce compliance burdens from that perspective. According to our knowledge, this is the first South African study on the subject [7].

Due to their interconnected nature, this review included all occupational health programs and related health regulations outlined in South Africa's Occupational Health and Safety Act. Some of these regulations' functional and practical outcomes are carried out by practicing occupational hygienists, occupational medical practitioners, audiologists, and occupational health nurses, among others. Resources are shared in this context because the various business programs have similar requirements. This review deliberately excludes aspects covered by occupational health programs due to differences in their legal frameworks. The Mine Health and Safety Act and its regulations were also excluded from the analysis to prevent sectoral overreach [8].

According to the review, businesses have to pay fees to follow OHS regulations. The issue is further obscured by the fact that occupational health programs are reflected as a single cost item, and company internalization also means that the precise cost of each item is unknown. Within this framework, cost item identification can help relevant professions, like occupational hygienists; present a convincing business case for cost allocation for improving occupational health program performance [9,10].


In general industry in South Africa, reported ODs are the result of health regulations mandating ineffective occupational health programs. Document analysis, a qualitative research approach, and data collection were used to identify costs incurred by regulated industries to guarantee legal compliance with occupational health programs. According to Bowen, a systematic evaluation or review of printed or electronic documents can be accomplished through the use of document analysis as a research method. Using the READ document analysis method, useful data were extracted from the enrolled legislative documents.



Conflict of Interest



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