Omer Salah Mirghani Makawi*, Bassam Adil, Mohammed Daghash, Mohammed Al-Awad and Mohammed Shakeeb
24 years old male, previously healthy, presented with a 6 months history of fever, back pain, left sided upper back swelling and weight loss. US soft tissue of the back showed superficial intramuscular large collection of asymmetric thick wall showing complex content. CT thorax showed right upper loculated pleural collection with enhancing wall extending to the soft tissue of right upper lateral chest wall associated with bony destruction and a left large intramuscular collection involving the left para spinal muscles with mild extension to the right side, and there is a tiny bone fragments in the posterior lower part of the collection communicating with the left paraspinal/prevertebral collection. Fine needle aspiration of the fluid was sent for analysis, was positive for TB AFB Smear and PCR. Patient was started on Anti-TB and referred for thoracic surgeon to be followed in outpatient clinic.