D Blez, G Leroux, M Merlant, P Cacoub, Laurent Chiche, E Caumes and S Jauréguiberry
Vascular chronic Q fever (CQF) is a severe form of Q fever, a ubiquitous zoonosis, with non-specific symptoms, challenging diagnosis and that can lead to several complications associated with a poor prognosis. Here, we present the case of a 68 years-old patient that first presented pygalgia, fatigue and weight loss, ultimately diagnosed with vascular chronic Q fever, more than 6 months after the beginning of the symptoms, leading to his death despite appropriate but late antibiotic course and surgical intervention. This case raises the question about the interest of evoking this diagnosis in a systematic way when confronted to new onset of non-specific general symptoms in a context of known aortic aneurysm.