Bernadette E Ordoña1*, Benita S Padilla2 , Ma Elizabeth J Macapagal3 , Genevieve J Lukban4
The reasons for disparties on the success of deceased organ donation programs across the globe are complex and multifactorial. Many surveys from various countries have shown that people look at organ donation favorably, yet this does not translate to a high organdonation rate [2]. The same is true in the Philippines where a population survey in in 2005 showed that 53% of respondents were willing to become a deceased organ donor [3], but actual deceased Ä?ŽnÄ?Æ?Žn was below 1 per million Æ?ŽÆ?ƵůÄ?Æ?ŽnÍ? Uriarte et al, stated an increase in Æ?rÄ?nÆÂÂ�Æ?ůÄ?nÆ?Ä?Æ?Žn from deceased donors from an average of 10 per year from 1999 to 2001 to 31 per year from 2006 to 2008