Marco Antonio Zavala-González
Cross-sectional analytical study, to determine the prevalence of low back pain and its association with known risk factors, in users of the Mexican Institute of Social Security, in Comalcalco, Tabasco, Mexico. Material and methods: A multistage sample was taken, randomly selecting a medical center of six, and 100 of 420 selected medical center users. Respondents were chosen by convenience, gathering different variables: sociode- mographic, anthropometric, lifestyle, chronic degenerative diseases, and low back pain, by personal interviews and review of medical records. Descriptive statistics and odds ratio (p≤0.05) were estimated. Results: Prevalence of low back pain was observed in 63% beneficiaries. A significant association with occupation, age, sex, obesity, unhealthy habits and chronic degenerative diseases was found, concluding that the prevalence is high, and that risk factors identified in other areas are not applicable to this population