Slawomir Kiepura*, Malgorzata Tomiczek and Alina Kos
Urethrovesical foreign body, though uncommon, can be seen in children and adolescents. The self-insertion of different objects via urethral meatus is usually for sexual stimulation. Treatment of foreign bodies in the urinary tract can be a challenging problem for pediatric surgeons and urologists and it is usually a urologic emergency. The pediatric patient usually adolescents may complain of lower urinary tract symptoms and recurrent urinary tract infection. Late presentation and hesitancy to report to a doctor are possible due to a feeling of embarrassment. Urethrocystocopy is considered ideal for the removal of foreign objects but in some cases and open surgery is required. The authors present two cases. One is a 15-yearold male who inserted a flex electrical wire into his own urethra and subsequently into the bladder for self-erotic stimulation. The second case is a 16-year-old male with an over 6-month history of recurrent urinary infection post insertion into the bladder the coated electrical wire.