S Jamali, K Paydary, SA SeyedAlinaghi, M Rasoulinejad
A 29 year-old immunosuppresed woman who is a known case of Crohn’s disease, was referred to the Infectious Disease Department of Imam Khomeini hospital in February 2010. She complained of progressive dyspnea, severe cough and fever in the last two weeks. She had a history of contact with a patient with active varicella zoster infection. Within the last 6 months, she received combination therapy for Crohn’s disease composedof azathioprin, mesalamine and prednisolone. Subsequently and simultaneous with fever, the diffuse upper body rashes began to appear accompanying nausa, dyspnea, cough and hemoptysis in the last two weeks before attendance. The chest radiograph revealed predominant noduloreticular pattern of the posterior and inferior zones. The diagnosis of varicella zoster infection has been established via skin biopsy from the abdominal wall. Intravenous acyclovir was started and she started to improve over the next few days. Acyclovir has been administered for oneweek. As her symptoms eventually began to improve, she was discharged on day 14 and subsequently remained symptom free.