Opinion Article - (2016) Volume 4, Issue 3
Seyed Farshad Heidari*
Department of Emergency Medicine, Emam Khomeini Hospital, Medical Faculty, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran
Corresponding Author:
Seyed Farshad Heidari
Department of Emergency Medicine
Emam Khomeini Hospital, Medical Faculty
Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran
Tel: +981133355080
Fax: +981133364044
E-mail: s.f.heidari@gmail.com (or) sf.heidari@ymail.com
Received date: 11 August 2016; Accepted date: 16 August 2016; Published date: 20 August 2016
Citation: Heidari SF. Ability of Bedside Ultrasonography for the Diagnosis of Long Bone Fractures in Multiple Trauma Patients. Ann Clin Lab Res. 2016, 4:3.
The aim of the study is valuable but not perfect and I would like to add a one important point about diagnosis of long bone fractures in extremity injuries. In this article, the authors stated that bedside ultrasound is not a reliable tool for diagnosis of fractures in adults, and it cannot be a good replacement for radiography
To the Editor
I read the published article by Bolandparvaz et al. “Comparing diagnostic accuracy of bedside ultrasound and radiography for bone fracture screening in multiple trauma patients at the ED” with great interest [1]. The aim of the study is valuable but not perfect and I would like to add a one important point about diagnosis of long bone fractures in extremity injuries. In this article, the authors stated that bedside ultrasound is not a reliable tool for diagnosis of fractures in adults, and it cannot be a good replacement for radiography. It is recommend more studies on the role of ultrasound in diagnosis of fractures but, however, in sonographic views were used from cortical irregularity of bone or step off shape in diagnosis of long bone fractures of extremities. According to this, it looks like that ultrasound be useful in diagnosis of diaphysis compared to the two ends of the bone because it is easier to access while in this study, bones have been studied seamless. Therefore, it is recommended in studies that will be done in future, various parts of bone such as epiphysis, metaphysis and diaphysis will be investigated separately for revelation of diagnostic accuracy of ultrasonography in fractures of various parts of long bone.