Krishna Kumar Pandey
Truba Institute of Pharmacy, India
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Int J Drug Dev & Res
In the current scenario of drug formulating technologies have many types of problems shown according to their nature and also shows their unwanted effect by the method of formulation of drug. So many times their action are shown in the body like -drug allergy, antigenantibody and cytotoxic reactions are shown. Because of formulation of technology of drug. For reducing these types of problems we can load the drug with the RBC by the help of nanotechnology by taken the same patient of RBC So in this technology body will be accept the drug into the body carefully. This technique is also know as auto graft in the terms of organ transplantation. This technique is very useful for a patient which inter the drug by the other route. Which is suffering from renal and hepatic damage. will be also useful for diabetic patient. This technique is also very easy for medical staff and also have some disadvantage like we can’t take self this type of medicine. This type of drug can not take without the presence of physician. A well knowledge full and well practice full physician is required.Have a great disadvantage of this technique that every patient can’t afford Because of cost. Because this technique is new in the field of pharmaceutical field. So the cost of the drug may be more . Because in this technique the particle size of drug will be gone in micrometre. So the cost can affect the use of this technique formulating drugs.