Kena Patel *, Vijay Bhatia
Smt. NHL Municipal Medical College, SVPIMSR, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Univer Surg
Lower limbs defects provide us with a unique challenge in terms of soft tissue coverage. The defi nitive decision for fl ap coverage ultimately requires sound knowledge about the vascular anatomy of lower limb vessels, their branches and perforator vessels. Lower limb is supplied by perforator vessels forming a rich anastomotic network in the deep fascia. We have explored here the utility of deepithelialized perforator based turnover fl ap, based on the perforator vessels, in coverage of leg defects. First use of turnover random pattern fl ap was described by Dr. Thatte RL in 19811. These fl aps, as described, were originally random pattern fl aps with limited length to breadth ratio. Taking into knowledge the perforator anatomy of lower limb and the concept of this turnover fl ap, we have designed a de-epithelialized perforator based turnover fl ap which provides us with a fl ap having good vascularity and better chance at survival than traditional random pattern turnover fl ap. This fl ap provides an additional advantage with no limitations of its length to breadth ratio and low risk of necrosis of these fl aps as compared to their random pattern turnover fl ap counterparts. Author hereby presents a case series of 20 patients with lower limb defects treated with perforator based turnover fl ap over the span of 3 years; describing the methodology, fl ap design, surgical technique, outcomes and complications encountered.
Dr Kena Patel; a young and budding plastic surgeon from SVPIMSR, Ahmedabad, India. She has co-authored and published 8 papers in reputed National and International journals. She was selected for trialect scholarship program and have completed fellowship in the department of Hand and Plastic surgery, University, Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland. Always thriving for excellence, She has attended various National and Internaltional conferences and workshops. Dr Vijay Y. Bhatia is a Professor and Head of Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at SVPIMSR, Ahemdabad, India. He has over 30 years of teaching experience and has authored 21 papers in reputed National and International journals. He is a reviewer for many International journals as well. He has Co-published a chapter on Facial injuries in book of Brain protection and neural trauma published by Narosa publishing House; New Delhi and a chapter on Facial trauma, Current concepts in management and principle.