Zuha Tarabeih
Tel Aviv University, Israel
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Arch Med
The restaurant market in Israel is large, accounting for 2.4% of the total revenue of the economy. The organization of work in restaurants is determined according to the management criteria. Risk factors include food preparation, serving, cleaning, mental and physical factors resulting in work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs). It was found that the prevalence of pain at the end of waiters’ working day was 55% in the upper back, 50% in the lower back, and 45% in the neck. We aim to investigate this population in Israel, to assess the prevalence of WRMSDs among waiters, and to evaluate the association between work hazards and WRMSDs. An observational cross-sectional study including one hundred waiters from three restaurants aged 18- 60 working full-time, at least two years. Excluding criteria will be serious accidents and spinal and skeletal surgeries, with pain lasting longer than three months. Participants will fill out seven questionnaires: basic demographics and working conditions; occupational-medical-historical questionnaire, the neck disability index (NDI); quick disabilities of the arms, shoulders and hands (DASH); the modified Oswestry low back pain disability questionnaire (MOQ), a psychosocial questionnaire containing estimation workload (WL), burnout (BMQ), job satisfaction (JAQ), and task frequency questionnaire. Ten waiters randomly chosen will be observed while working during one rush hour, using the rapid entire body assessment (REBA) worksheet. Between 3-6 most dangerous postures for each waiter, will be taken to fill the REBA worksheet for each posture which will be scored and evaluated as a risk factor for pain and disability. Further, the weight of dishes and food carried by the ten waiters will be examined by weighing the waiters with the dishes, and their steps will be counted by using an application in their mobiles.
Zuha Tarabeih has completed her BA in Nursing from Tel Aviv University, Israel. She is pursuing her Master’s Degree in Occupational Health focusing on Ergonomics specialization, and works as an Assistant in Nursing Department at the same university. She is a Nurse in a reputable emergency medicine center which demands quick thinking and decisive action to provide care and monitor health conditions, besides to working in a national call center of its kind, for the treatment of a range of chronic conditions, in coordination with the client’s primary physician and other community-based resources. She also volunteers in an Arab feminist movement that struggles against oppression in all its forms and shapes, which provides psychological support and legal advice to women subjected to sexual violence, to raise awareness among school students on the issue of sexual assaults, and gender issues.