Fabiano Calixto Fortes de Arruda
MsC, MBA, MD Rua T50 n723 setor Bueno, Goiania, Brazil
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Univer Surg
Introduction Liposuction is the one of most performed surgery in the world. It is a well-established surgical technique that, due to the loss of fat volume, can evolve with skin fl accidity. In the treatment of sagging skin, there are several options in the literature, but the J plasma technology (Renuvion) has the greatest possibility of skin retraction. This study aims to describe the experience of using liporenuvion in the treatment of localized fat and fl accidity. methods Patients undergoing surgical procedures from August 2020 to July 2021 were evaluated for age, gender, skin type, comorbidities, previous surgeries, operated area, degree of fl accidity, percentage of skin retraction, complications, associated instruments. This study respect the Declaration of Helsinki. Results 102 patients were evaluated, with ages ranging from 24 to 68 years old with a mean age of 41.2 years, most of them female (88.2%), with the majority with Fitzpatrcik skin equal to or greater than III ( 67.6%). Five patients had comorbidities, systemic arterial hypertension being the most common. Two patients were smokers. 54 patients had previous surgery, the most common of which was lipoaspriation, in the face of rhinoplasty and in those that did not belong to plastic surgery and cesarean section. The vast majority of patients had mild to moderate fl accidity, the most affected areas were the abdomen and back, and most had retraction of more than 40% of the evaluated area. Renuvion was most often associated with a liposuction device (Power Assisted liposuction and Vibrolipo) and VASER. Conclusion Liporenuvion is an effi cient technology to stimulate skin retraction in various regions of the body. Due to study limitations, further studies are needed to remove variables that may change the result, such as: previous surgeries or use of associated technologies.
Dr. Fabiano Arruda has completed his master degree from Goias Federal University. He is chief of Departament of Plastic Surgery and Burns at HUGOL (Governor Otavio Lave de Siqueira Urgency Hospital), a individual premier researcher of Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgeons, has published more than 15 articles about plastic surgery in reputed papers and working as co editor in Brazil of Plastic Recosntructive Surgery.