Silva Adamyan and Naire Sahakyan
Centre of Bird lovers NGO, Armenia Civil Voice NGO, Armenia
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Arch Med
The wintering population of white storks really exists and varies from 200-250 according to the research by Acopian Center for the Environment. The number of wintering birds is constantly increasing. The overall population of storks in Armenia is about 650 pairs or more.
Nowadays nesting sites of storks vary depending on climate change, dryness of marshes, and reduction of food as a result of which the lifestyle of these birds has changed: from migratory birds they have turned into non-migrant ones. Taking into consideration the issue of stork nesting sites in Armenia Civil Voice and Center of Bird Lovers NGOs have made the EURO Forum program of The Conservation of the White Stork continuous in the framework of which in 2014-2015 about 10 stork nests were set in the villages of Armash and Surenavan in defense of white storks. Investigating stork nests in the village of Armash it has become obvious that there is a problem concerning nesting sites. There are approximately 30-35 nests/bird houses nested by storks 10 out of which were set in 2014-2015 and all of them are nested. The remaining 6 nests/bird houses were set in the spring of 2018 by Civil Voice NGO 1 out of which is nested. The nests meant for storks haven't been settled yet also because the nests were set late and storks didn't manage to settle.
In the framework of the program the nests were set near residential areas for people to be able to watch them. So we keep in touch with the natives as well.
The Conservation of the White Stork program will still be carried out as storks go on wintering in the village of Armash and the population of white storks is increasing.