University of Lucknow, India
Short Communication
Thymoquinone: The major component responsible for various properties of Nigella sativa
Author(s): Sunita Singh
Since ancient times plants are used in the welfare of mankind including their use for dietary, culinary, medicinal, and curative purposes. Many of the traditional and alternative medicines rely on the use of medicinal plants for promotion of general health and well-being due to their diverse pharmacological effects. The phytochemicals present in these plants and herbs are responsible for their healing powers. Many classes such as saponins, alkaloids, terpenes, and glycosides present in the herb are considered as phytochemicals. From the family of these quinones, benzoquinone that is represented by thymoquinone. (TQ) has received enormous attention for its pharmacological properties and therapeutic potential [1]. Thymoquinone (TQ) is the most abundant constituent of the volatile oil of Nigella sativa seeds and most properties of N sativa are mainly attributed to TQ [2]. A number of pha.. View More»